Mr. Curran's Homepage


 Mr. Curran
Fourth Grade
(904) 377-2740 





Travel Tips for Exploring 4th Grade in 180 days!


Welcome to 4th grade! I would like to take this oppurtuntity to tell you a little bit about myself and my classroom.  My name is Rob Curran and I am excited to be one of your child’s teachers this year. Just to introduce myself, I am from Saint Augustine, FL and I graduated from Flagler College. This is my first year teaching and I am really excited to be your child's teacher here at Kennedy Elementary! 


My goal as an educator is the sucess of my stutdents.  This year we will be covering a lot of interesting topics in math, science and history.  I love teaching and will go the extra mile to assure all students are given the opurtunity to succeed.  I also believe that all students need to feel safe and comfortable in the classroom.  I will be working hard all year to make that a reality.  We will use many different kinds of projects, experiments, lessons and assignments to learn all the subjects we will be covering.  I use a variety of teaching styles to give the an oppurtunity to learn and experience information in different way.  I like for the students to be "hands-on", we will be doing several group and individual projects this year that will give the students a chance to show us their unique ideas and talents.I believe that fostering independent thinking in students is a key to their success.



Below are a few notes about our classroom that will help us keep 4th grade running smoothly.  You can keep up-to-date on homework assignments and classwork on the assignments page. 





You can pre-pay for lunches at If you go to the Kennedy Elementary website it tells you in detail how to do that. This year we eat from 12:25 – 12:55. 


Snacks and Water Bottles

We will have snack in the morning and your child may bring in whatever they would like with the exception being soda, juice, or candy bars. Nutritious snacks are highly encouraged and water is the only beverage allowed. We eat pretty late, so please remind your child to pack him/herself a snack if you’re unable to do so in the mornings. G



Students will need 2 composition journals, notebook paper, pencils, a ruler, a 24 pack of crayons and markers.  I will send out an addition list of needs for the classroom once the school year has begun.  If you can help with any of these items (hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues) It would be greatly appreciated!





You child will have a planner that they will write in every day. We check it every single morning so please sign them for each day. This is our primary means of communication with you. We staple notes in it, have children write in dates or events, and they write homework in it daily.


Grades &School Work


Class and Homework will be posted on the class website for each week, students will also be responsible for writing their assignments in their class planners.  When a student is absent I will have any worksheets/classwork they have missed for them in a flder on my desk. Late work will be accepted at a reduced grade unless otherwise noted.  Sturaddents will be graded on a points system.  The grading scale is listed below:

Tests 40%

Projects 30%

Classwork 15%

Homework 15%

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at school. My room number is 2212. I am available for conferences from 8:00 – 8:30. If you can’t meet in the morning, you can email me at and we will work something out. Feel free to contact me, that's what I' here for!


I am looking forward to working with your child and watching him/her accomplish many great things this year.


Rob Curran